
After a few days in LA I started to work on a series of duos. I just wanted to start with a series of works made out of two paintings, who interact with one another to give each other a whole new meaning. One work does...

Hi, this is the beginning of my 3rd day in LA. The city is huge, but I already got a space to make new paintings and an office to finish my book "Metropolitan Aura". In a few minutes I will be at the beach to...

Tonight at 4h30 AM my last creation was set in it's place and will be soon open to the public. I made lots of drone shots and will launch a short film soon. Here you see one of the images from this morning which shows...

I made a very spontaneous trip to San Francisco with my brother like friend Kian. One of my bucket list things is done now - I made stunning shots from above the Golden Gate Bridge which will be released in my next exhibition. BTW my current...

It's much more than the world's capital of diamonds...

I'm back in Europe: Stops - Paris (Meetings) - Hannover (2 new street art installations) - Rennes (Meetings) - Istanbul (Visiting my father & New Istanbul photographs) - Lyon (Meetings & Video production) - Marseilles (Video production) This will be an interesting month for me and...

Shenzhen is a stunning city. The possibilities are huge for creators, who are in love with technical inventions. In march 2017 I started with my prototype e-scooter and a ton of good will a new design & production company. Design stands for product design and production means especially...

I finished my Europe trips to Paris, South of France, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, London, Hamburg, Berlin etc.. And now - Studio time: Work on a series of more than 200 paintings for my next exhibition.. More info coming soon. Here: Cutout from "Grand Central Station NYC", Original size 180 cm...

I will be back in Lyon at the 10th of March.. The last weeks I traveled a lot to make new photographs for my series  Metropolitan Aura: London, Hamburg, Brügge, LeHavre, Marseille and here you see me in the streets of Lyon :-)...